Monday, April 16, 2007

Alishan (continued) THE MOTH PHENOMENON!

OK, this is seriously unbelievable - even after reading what I have to say and looking at these pictures will you believe it to be true - I still don't believe it.... There is a temple at the top of Ali Mtn. Once a year (which happens to be the God's birthdays), giant silk moths fly into the temple (there were 22 this year) and perch on the God's beards. They stay there for a week or two and then leave. The phenomenon only happens at this particular temple and something I found strange was that even though the main god (not pictured) had a smaller beard, it had many more moths. I was able to get close enough to see that they were real! I was frantically asking my students (2 adults that i teach) for a logical explanation. Nobody knew for sure.... What do you think? Do moths migrate to the same place every year? This is a mind boggling occurrence and I recommend not thinking about it too much.....too late for me though.

Alishan (Ali Mtn)

Religious ceremony - guy hits himself with various sharp weapons - - The gods help him to feel no pain

Dragon Heart

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Kending - Spring Scream

Budget Hotel
There were thousands of people = no rooms + we don't have a tent =
sleeping on the rain. Luckily we had an umbrella
but everything that wasn't under it got soaked

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Day Hike - April 1st

Ya, I'm not real sure where we were

Somewhere in Chiayi County

Some for the hippies